Manoj Aryal
Autonomous Navigating Agent
- Created a self-navigating autonomous agent trained to collect points in a large Unity environment with Deep Q-Network
- Tools Used: Python, PyTorch, NumPy, Unity-based virtual environment
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Recommendation Engine
- Explored collaborative filtering movie recommendation system with deep-learning
- Deployed content-based recommendation as a web-app at:
- Tools Used: Python, Keras, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, Streamlit
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Garbage Collector
- Implemented custom smart pointer for garbage collection and to verify no memory leaks
- Tools Used: C++
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A* Search Algorithm
- Implemented A* Search Algorithm with C++ that finds the path between the start and endpoint of a randomly generated board of any number of rows, columns, and difficulty level
- Tools Used: C++
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Generative Adversarial Networks
- Implemented Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks (DCGAN) to generate fake human faces with Keras
- Tools Used: Python, Keras
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- Weather app for iOS with dark-mode feature
- Tools Used: Swift, Xcode
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Sentiment Classification
- Implemented five-class sentence level sentiment classification and compared GRU, LSTM and self-attention mechanism
- Tools Used: Python, PyTorch, NumPy
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Other: Museum Search Java App & To-Do Android App
- Created a database, designed MVC pattern and DFDs, and followed modified-waterfall model to develop a app that was able to give details and directions to the items with Java and SQL
- Created a simple To-Do android app with CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) functions
- Tools Used: Java, SQL, Andrioid Studio
- Android App : View Code
- Java Search App: View Code